Friday, December 15, 2006

Maya and Gia...together again

Well, yesterday we finally met up with Gia and Holly . I think everyone reading this knows Holly or of her. We live 10 minutes away from each other in NJ, yet we became friends in Guatemala. Our daughters are friends(little do they know) already.

We met at the mall and had a fun, relaxing time. Holly is another bad influence on me(as I am her) when it comes to shopping. We had fun but refrained from buying too much as we fear what our families might buy the kiddos!

If you check Holly's blog, you will see an out fit she bought. The Children's Place has a ton of cute stuff out now. I cannot post what I bought b/c it is all for my niece, Taylor. I also did some Yankee Candle shopping, and thanks to Holly---Cinnabon.

Check below for Maya's new favorite toy , ANIMAL!!!!

This was Maya and Animal this morning after watching us eat Cinnabon for breakfast. Yes, she tasted them!

Maya and Gia in American Greetings

Shopping really can make you tired

Maya had a fun day. This is the outfit that Lisa, Carli and Carina got Maya. TARGET if anyone is wondering!

Maya eats a french fry

Gia, Miss Vanity Fair

What is this??

Oh, ANIMAL!! Just like Gia's!

Can you tell who has more practice with the camera

Maya, say cheese, please??

Okay, we'll take that ....

Gia when I first took out my camera

Maya feels good standing when Mommy or Daddy is nearby. This was Bryan's Leapfrog table. It was a good investment!


Kim said...

It looks like you guys had a great time! You guys are making me hungry for Cinnabon.

Kerry said...

It's good to see you four girls out having fun!

erinberry said...

I love her little gingerbread sweater!

Anonymous said...

Those are some of the best Gia pics I have seen in a while!!Looks like the two of them will be best buds! You gily is tooo cuuute!


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Looks like you guys had a great day with 2 adorable little girls.

JuJu - said...

Please email me your adress at:
We would like to send you guys a Christmas card:)
