Friday, December 15, 2006

Catching up with the blog pictures!!!

Monday we met Cheryl, Cathy and Lisa at McDonalds playland. The kids run like crazy there. They have so much fun. Above is Carli, Derek, Bryan and Logan. Looks like Carli has her choice here.

Cathy with her 2 boys

This is Maya with Carina and Aidan. Carina and Aidan were both born on April 6, 2006. I visited both Mommies in the hospital. Carina is crawling faster than I am walking. Thanks to Carina, Maya started to crawl on Tuesday! Who thinks that is a coincidence?

Aidan's shirt should say, "just droolin"

Lisa really loved Maya(what else is new???) Babies this age are so precious. I am trying to treasure every minute

Carina and Maya having Cheerios while the rest of us have McDonalds

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