Saturday, November 25, 2006

Hello, All!

When I post pictures, I cannot see them so I cannot caption them. If any bloggers know how to help me, please do so? Thanks!

If the pictures that should be below, Maya is enjoying whipped cream dessert after her Gerber Lasagna. Bryan is copying little sis.

Maya is doing well. She is still getting breathing treatments. We have to thump her on the back/chest a lot to help get rid of the "junk" in her lungs and suction her nose. She is perfect for all of it by now except the suction. When she sees it coming she really fights, and now that she becoming well, she is SUPER strong!

Life is good.

We are just ready for her to be 100% so that she can meet more people that want to see her!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006



Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Maya was discharged today and we are all home together! Yes, she still has the virus but it is wearing off slowly. We have to keep up on the treatments, the suctioning and the medications at home. We were also told upon leaving the hospital, that children that get RSV like this are more likely to become asthmatic children. We will be watching our little turkey closely...she is so cute, even sick, she was cute!

We got Boston Market for dinner and it was truly great. We just ate, put the lids back on the food, put it in the fridge and proceeded onto their very tasty Pumpkin Pie. We did miss the big family dinners we are used to, but it was actually very nice. Immediately after dessert, there wer showers and pajamas and naps...really not a bad DAY!!! It was just the 4 of us plus the 3 animals and we are totally lounging today. We are very tired, needless to say. We could have traveled or even have eaten at a neighbor's, but we are so tired and just want to be home.

If you are following this blog, you know that a laundry marathon needs to begin this weekend too!

I will keep trying to post pictures, I am having trouble with the site right now:)

Gobble, Gobble:)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Maya is doing better

Well, Maya is certainly better. She is still in the Pediatric ICU but is so much better. They want to keep her tonight and we hope to go home tomorrow but there are no guarantees. We have to make sure her lungs are more clear, her Oxygen level remains stable and her virus and pneumonia are under control.

I am sorry I am not a slave to the blog because I know many of you are worried, but I stayed at the hospital the past two nights and Maya needed me. George needed his laptop, so please understand:)

Tonight, George is staying with Maya and I am with my other baby Bryan(who keeps telling me that he is NOT a baby!) Bryan is asleep and I am long over due for a bath/shower and a snooze in my own bed!

Thanks for all your support, it means a lot!!!

Below are pics of Maya. She looks so great. Her lungs are filled with "junky stuff" in the photos...and look at how good she is for the camera!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bad news, good news

Bad news:Maya is in the hospital
Good news:Maya is in the hospital

Well our little girl had a lot of trouble breathing last night. After a lot of thought and a chat with her doctor, we landed in the ER. She received different nebulizer treatments, tested officially positive for RSV and was diagnosed with pneumonia on her chest x-ray. She ran a temp of 104.5 at one point and her oxygen sat fell to 89% which is not great at all. They admitted her, started antibiotics,IV fluids, Motrin, Oxygen, more breathing treatments and she is finally starting to show herself a little now.
Excuse any spelling errors. I am writing on my hubby's laptop while Maya is sleeping in her jail crib. She has her oxygen on and is such an angel.

WE are happy she is being treated. The ER nurses were the best ever!

I just wanted to update everyone. George and I will be rotating staying with Maya here.

I have not slept in a few days so I will be getting to that as soon as the doc comes to see Maya on his rounds:)

Will update when we can...

Kerry and George

Monday, November 20, 2006

Life with two children

Well, today was a trip for sure! It was my first day to truly experience being the mother of two crying children. It all started with both children being up lastnight. Maya took the 11pm-3am shift. I took her. She was having a ton of wheezing.

Bryan took on the 3am night terror which George handled.

My brother was sleeping on the couch throughout the night shift circus and he was lucky that neither child wanted him.

The fun continued today as both children saw no need for a nap. Bryan pulls that no nap thing ALL the time and I can handle that alone with a quiet video. Maya on the other hand, is sick, and is not even 9 months old. She slept poorly lastnight and then even poorer today! Fun, lol. I know Cathy and Sue, you are silently giggling at me!

Maya is sick, yes, still sick. It remains mostly repiratory but has changed to mostly wheezing and a runny nose. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning and we will see what the Dr. thinks. With a bit of cabin fever and the mystery of where Maya's eyes were under all that hair, my brother and I took the kiddos to get their haircut. Bryan is easy...Uncle Mike took him...Maya was a bit uneasy and so I held her and her bangs are short and uneven after the cut! I could have done it myself...but she has the "first haircut" certificate (even tho it was cut in Guatemala!)...and we do see her eyes now! It will grow...

Maya did finally fall asleep while getting her nebulizer tonight and she seems to be breathing better tonight. We will see. It has to be better tonight!
George is getting Bryan to bed while I detox on the computer for a few moments!

Oh, and last but not least...our dryer is working again as of 6pm tonight...YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, no, it was not George, it was All About Appliance manager Doug...but he did tell George that he was headed in the right direction, so not all hope was lost for my hubby. He just has to know how everything works...funny that he is an engineer, huh?

There were about 5 people making faces and snapping fingers to get this photo

Bryan wanted to help Uncle Mike and Daddy rake leaves

Again, I wish I was his age

The next Eminem

Nanny bought Maya this coat, it is white, fluffy and beautiful..

Notice Bryan's eyes are watching TV
Bryan(McCauley Culkin...from Home Alone)
They were better for Uncle Mike than me!

I love this pic of my little Maya, especially after a day of screaming, it is nice to see what she looks like with sleep again!

After the boys raked leaves, they all had Hot Chocolate including Bryan

Aunt Lisa was very happy to meet Maya on Saturday...


This was when Uncle Mike first held Maya

Nanny knows, Maya is not only pretty in pink, but in BLUE too!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

We are sick but we are happy:)

Earlier today I wrote a long, narrative post. It was very nice, but blogger went down at the end of my post and I lost it all! UGH!
Anyhow, I will try and recall what I wrote.

Maya came home from Guatemala with RSV (a respiratory virus) and an ear infection. She is loving her pink Amoxicillin and not so much her breathing treatments. I just gave her one a few minutes ago while she was asleep, and she did not wake up. That was nice!

Now Bryan is sick too, but his is really like the flu. Either he has some form of her virus or he is sick from the flu shot.

I am feeling really sick tonight too...not that that is important anymore! I will take some sinus stuff and carry on:)

Besides the sickness, life is great with the kiddos! Bryan is bossing Maya around, telling her what she can and cannot do and she just laughs at him all the time. Maya is petting our dog and our one friendly cat.

The big news is that our dryer broke Monday. I am not one of those people who likes to hang dry clothes to save a buck. I love my clothes SOFT, and wrinkle free...except delicates and bras of course. I need the dryer sheet:) George disassembled the dryer Monday and he ordered a new motor which he will TRY and install this weekend if not before. I say try b/c it will be a first. He says it looks "easy". Hopefully!

George decided to take a picture of me looking pretty, lol, with my two very sick and tired children

Maya is checking out our big dog

Classic...he did not even drop the remote

My friend Melissa came by after work yesterday and she has a super cute outfit for Miss Maya. Melissa has 3 daughters and knows girls. She is a good Mommy. She also brought Maya a group gift card to Gymboree, yahoo!!! Thanks Same Day!!

Nanny and Poppy with their two grandkids(they don't look happy, do they???)

This was Bryan's first glance at his new baby sister

I had to get this picture. Parents must have this picture!

This is Maya getting her first MomMom hug

As soon as Maya's eyes opened she was in her forever home last Friday night. Bryan was trying to give her his train! That means he likes her, trust me!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Well, I finally have a minute to write and say hello to all of our supporters. Maya is asleep in her crib, and Bryan is half way there watching a Thomas the Tank Engine video.
I just wanted to say thanks to all of our supporters. I really do not know where people get the time to write on their blog sometimes. This is the first chance I have really had!

Maya came home with a little respiratory infection that we were instructed to "watch". It never subsided, so we took her to the doctor yesterday and they were surprised at how happy she was the way she was breathing. She was using all her stomach muscles and really "junky" in the lungs. They told me that she is what they call a "happy wheezer". Our son had something similar at her age, but he was cranky and rightfully so. Anyhow, long stort short...she is now on nebulizer treatments every 3-4 hours. They also found a really bad right ear infection and I would have never guessed that...she is so happy and did not even freak out on the plane. Good thing I took her. Today we followed up and I had my first experience toting two kids around. I was a bit afraid to be honest b/c Bryan at times can be an absolute terror in a waiting room. Luckily, things went great. He seems to REALLY love baby sister. Bryan even got a flu shot and did not cry! I am sooooo proud of him. He got a James train lego set today!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Meet The Lear Family

We are proud to show our first "family picture"...Daddy, Bryan, Mommy and Maya.
Getting 4 people to cooperate with the camera is much harder than 3!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Many pictures, not too much time to write...SORRY!

My Mom had the place decked out in pink when we arrived home with little Maya. I love this figuerine.

All of the above is just part of what Nanny and Poppy did and gave to us...

Thank you Lisa and Ron!
Thank you MomMom and PopPop

Maya and Bryan gave us some trouble with pictures!

"Uncle"Mark and Maya

Daddy with his sweethearts

"Auntie" Cathy
"Aunt" Cheryl

Bryan feeding Maya gerber puffs, then Bryan teaching Maya to ignore my camera!