Saturday, December 09, 2006

Guess who saw Santa ??

Well, it was a Christmas miracle. Both children cooperated. If I had known this would have happened I would have skipped the Kiddie Kandids photo shoot! Anyhow they are sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute here and I am glad that you can all see that!!!

Life is so busy with two. I am sorry I do not update more. But this is my life with two. It leaves you with little time to yourself. The little time I have goes into Christmas lately and a very little time for "me".

Anyhow, enjoy this great picture!


Kim said...

How cute!! And they both have such great smiles. Lovely!!!!

JuJu - said...

I could never pay my kids enough money to sit that still and smile so cute!!!

Good Job Momma:)

Gorgeous picture!

Crystal said...

These are sooo cute!!!!--I love hearing how it is with TWO--I will soon have two kiddos!!!!!--We love any updates!!!!!--Thank you for sharing

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

That is so cute and she is so happy.

HollyGee said...

Hey that Santa looks familiar!!! Your kids did great!!!

bonnie said...

that is the best picture yet!!!

erinberry said...

What a great Santa photo!