Thursday, December 28, 2006

About our Christmas

So far, our Holidays have been very MERRY!

Christmas eve my parents and brother came down and we had a nice quiet steak dinner . My mom wrapped all Bryan's gifts in Thomas paper and all Maya's gifts in Dora paper. Bryan was very wise to her wrapping and everytime he glanced at a Thomas wrapped present, he shouted out, " I am ready to open my presents" or something to that effect. It was so funny. He was so excited! He did open a few that night and really loved his Thomas race set from Nanny and Poppy.

Before Bryan went to bed, he picked out 4 cookies for Santa and poured him a glass of milk.

The next morning the kids slept until about 7:30am(Christmas miracle)....and when Bryan woke up, we got Maya and proceeded downstairs to see if Santa came.

He did!

Bryan at first actually forgot and was just happy to see Nanny, Poppy and Uncle Mike.

Then he turned his head and saw his new Thomas set and forgot about the rest of us. He was very happy.

Santa left Maya the Laugh and Learn home which we all really enjoy.

Next came Christmas dinner. Aunt Lisa, Uncle Joe and Gammy arrived with food and presents. We ate and ate and opened presents all day long. We had a really nice time.

We are so lucky that everyone traveled so that we could spend Christmas together. Seeing it thorugh Bryan and Maya's eyes is so awesome. Especially Bryan because this is the first year that he is truly excited. He will be 3 next month and his gears are always turning!

We all got so many great gifts!!!

I could write forever, but I will direct you to all the pictures below instead:)

And, our Christmas is not over yet! We celebrated with our neighbors yesterday(Cheryl, Troy and Logan). We celebrate with George's family tomorrow and Saturday. We celebrate with my Mom's family(Our Cousins: Sharon, Phil, Scott and Cathy; Aunt Janice, Ed and Mimi) on New Years Eve Day. If that is not enough, we also have to celebrate with Bryan's Godmother, Jen and Maya's Godmother, Cathy and their families!

We had a wonderful Christmas and look forward to the next few days as well!

After Christmas and Miscellaneous Photos

My friend Melissa with Santa. She is doing travel nursing in LaJolla, CA and misses NJ/PA very much. She is so strong and beautiful. We love this photo.

Bryan helping Maya with her Arcade game from Aunt Pat

This was Bryan and Maya watching Nanny and Poppy pull away

It is so hard for them to leave, and for us to watch them leave, especially Bryan, he is so aware now

Maya recovers quickly. I love her age and I love this picture!

Maya trying to walk

Bryan's tool set from Aunt Pat

This was before Christmas. Bryan tried to pretend to sleep with Riley

Maya is wearing Bryan's first Christmas sleeper

Maya's Poppy

Please pose!

This might have been okay if I had better light on Maya's side!

Christmas Day

We got my Mom and Dad a digital photo frame . It got great reviews and we know they love pictures of their grandkids!

Bryan got this keychain from Aunt Lisa that he can record his voice and then hear himself. He was cracking up at it.

Sometimes, I take blurry photos. I wish I didn't b/c this is a great picture of Maya and her Nanny

Bryan laid on the floor and screamed when we tried to do a family photo of the 4 of Mom has those pictures and I will post one when I get them. This is Aunt Lisa trying to talk him into a picture and him saying no way!

My mom got this Santa outfit for Maya. I am sorry to sound this way, but she has to be the CUTEST GIRL EVER here!

Uncle Joe and Gammy opening presents

Maya and Nanny

Why won't these children pose together??

This was Bryan right after his family photo meltdown

Maya open's presents slowly, but I am sure she will be picking up the pace next year

Poppy loves being Poppy

Gammy and my brother, Michael

Aunt Lisa and Gammy

We got Aunt Lisa a "NAP PACK". Trust me it is the perfect gift, she has been known to take a nap or two

Riley plain passed out in the midst of the chaos


(Note: Mommy is very appreciative of clothes..)

Bryan will want a Kareoke machine next year

Maya is walking with a walker...I am not ready

My brother waited in line for TMX elmo! It scared Maya but made Bryan laugh really, really hard!

Where did Bryan go?


Uncle Joe with Maya. He does smile occasionally but I never catch it on camera

Christmas Morning

Maya's expression is priceless. Unlike Bryan, she needs a moment to wake up

Bryan's ultimate Thomas set took up half the family room. It is now down needless to say.

She is still not awake

This better not be clothes, Santa

Bryan helping Maya open her Little People present

Daddy is at Maya's door

This home is so cute. Bryan enjoys it too, so I know it will give her a good few years!

Merry Christmas, Thomas

Christmas Eve

Bryan "paying" Nanny as his thanks for his new Thomas race set

Maya's bib says, "All my Mommy wants for Christmas is a silent night"

She can pull her self up on anything now

Bryan rarely stands still for a picture, but I got this one with bad light and glowing eyes

Uncle Mike giving Maya some lovin'

Time to play

My life is these two kiddos

Thank God that Maya is home for the holidays!!

Nice pose, Bryan!!!