Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Playdate at my house

On Monday, I had a whole bunch of kiddos and their Mommies here to celebrate Cheryl having a baby next week.

Cheryl will not need to use Logan's clothes much. This baby better be a girl, huh?

Sitting on my nook...Bryan, Corey(neighbor), Carli, Katie and Jackson
Behind Corey is my friend Lisa and her baby girl, Carina

Cheryl, Maya, Logan, Aidan, Cathy and Derek

Maya, Carina and Aidan talk whil snacking on a lady finger

Sean and Carina

Cheryl and baby-to-be


HollyGee said...

That sure is a lot of kiddos in one house. You are one brave woman.

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Hi, I had to go private on my blog. E-mail me at gindeborah@yahoo.com if you would like to continue following my journey.