Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Mini-Update

We are recovered from the "choking episode". This Maya is one to watch ...always up to something even if she is in my arms! Nothing too much is new. Work is just okay. I am catching on quickly but not quite sure it is right for me. we'll see.. In the meantime, today is!!!

Today is our nephew, Zachary's, 2nd Birthday. We will be celebrating with him this Saturday. It will be fun...lots of kids for Bryan to burn off energy with!

Bryan really, really loves Thomas...does everyone know this already??
He will be going with George or I to see Thomas Live on Stage in April. The show is a new thing but we are pretty sure he will like it.

This is George's new car(new old car). It is a M3 BMW 1997. I do not know much else about it, but it looks new to me . More pics to come on a sunny day...




Mindy said...

OH MY GOSH and I am just now getting around to checking the blogs. That is SO SO scary and I am so glad that she is OK. I know how scary it is. We were on our way to Chicago this past fall (we had to go somewhere...PGN was getting to me BAD) and we stopped at a rest stop and Alec wanted peanut M&M's. Me being the DUMB mom let him get a pack. We hadn't even been back in the car for 10 minutes when he started choking in the backseat. It was HORRIBLE. We were on the turnpike. I couldn't get to him quick enough. Kris pulled over as fast as he could...I hopped out had to get him OUT of his car seat and started smacking his back and such...Kris should have done since he is certifed but there was no time to think. I had NO clue what I was doing and he was turning blue. It FINALLY came up and then he threw up everywhere and it was awful. I have never been that scared in my life. So I know how it is. It is TERRIBLE and I am soooo glad she is OK.

P.S. Alec has the same Thomas Jammies. Are you surprised?

Candy said...

OH GIRL I bet you had a heartattack...I was having one reading your post...I am so scared of the choking handeled it so well...I am so glad she is OK...Hugs Candy and Kya Blu