Monday, March 19, 2007


That is the question.

Well, I have decided to share what happened to us yesterday. We started the day my going to Kidde Kandids for a family photo. We had good luck with the four of us, but then pictures went downhill. They were in no mood to take more than 2 or 3 photos.

They fell asleep in the car on the way home.

After their nap we were invited next door to Denise, Scott and Corey's house. Corey is 5 and Bryan and Logan adore him. comes the thing that happened... while giving Maya Cookie Monster crackers -(sold at Babies R Us)...she began to gasp for air. A slight winded cry was coming from part of her airway and she was CHOKING. I gave it a second with a few slaps on her back and her face was turning blue around her lips and her cry was less and I was scared out of my freaking mind but I kept my head on and remembered my CPR basics. She is over 12 months, so no more turning her upsidedown per textbook anyhow. I was already holding her. I gave her the Heimlich. Nothing came up and she was tearing...again I gave her the Heimlich, this time much more forceful as I was starting to fall apart...and THANK GOD IT CAME UP. As it came up, my smart girl stuck her hand in her mouth and took out the cookie(1/2 to 3/4 of it) and just cried. And I hugged her tight and a million thoughts rushed through my already somewhat crazy mind. No words can describe how much I love her. The whole thing might have been a blur but Cheryl was right in front of Maya as it happened and she helped me remember that moment. It was less than 2 minutes of my/her life, but I will never forget it. I never had to do it on Bryan and I have never done it on a patient or anyone. 15 minutes later she was running around and happy as a clam.

So there is the one positive...I am an experienced nurse on the home front now too.

Sorry to go on and on...but THANK GOD!


Ann said...

So scary!!!! We are glad to hear sweet Maya is okay.

Hugs from us to you!

Ann and Elianna

JuJu - said...

It is a moment that we all need to think about - going over the skills I know in my head right now. Makes me want to take a refrehser course! Thank God you stayed calm:)

Glad that gorgesou girl is OK:):):)


nikki said...

How scary,Thanks for sharing this.
Makes me want to take a refresher course also. So glad Maya is ok.

Not sure if Holly emailed you about getting together. My email is

Anonymous said...

HOLY COW!!!! I have goosebumps right now. Thank God she is ok. Oh my goodness. How scary!!! I need to refresh too, even though my infant CPR is current!

Kerry said...

Oh, that post made me cry. I can't imagine how scary that must have been. Your being able to stay calm was a God thing coupled with your training I'm sure. Thank God you knew what to do.

Carrie, Rich and the Kids said...

That is my biggest fear now. It used to be SIDS, now it is choking. I am so careful everything I give Savannah. If she even coughs on water, I jump.

That is so scary and you are such a great mom to stay some calm, cool, and collected and remember your CPR/Basic Lifesaving. I took it, but I don't know if I could do it.

So glad Maya is ok and you both made it through with a happy ending.