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Friday, March 30, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Spring is here, and so are some new pictures!
Maya was giving me a hard time trying to get a good pic of her in the outfit.
Zachary got this cool beach chair as one of his presents. Zach was sooooooooooooo tired Sat night
The kids had an Easter Egg Hunt...mmm... candy!
Zachary had the same cake Maya had for her birthday
Look who has to be right next to Zach
(and Maya loves cake!)
Bryan got a kick out of it
Maya had to see what it was all about
The circus was at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City. Bryan knew we were near the sand so he begged and we said okay but just for a minute. Bryan loves the sand. This was Maya's first Beach experience and all she really cared about was when her nap was coming. She will like it when it is warmer we think!
again I am blogging O-R-E-O s!
Check it out.
We met up with Logan and Cailin and tried to see The Easter Bunny, but he had not hopped to this mall yet!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
A Mini-Update
Today is our nephew, Zachary's, 2nd Birthday. We will be celebrating with him this Saturday. It will be fun...lots of kids for Bryan to burn off energy with!
This is George's new car(new old car). It is a M3 BMW 1997. I do not know much else about it, but it looks new to me . More pics to come on a sunny day...
Monday, March 19, 2007
Well, I have decided to share what happened to us yesterday. We started the day my going to Kidde Kandids for a family photo. We had good luck with the four of us, but then pictures went downhill. They were in no mood to take more than 2 or 3 photos.
They fell asleep in the car on the way home.
After their nap we were invited next door to Denise, Scott and Corey's house. Corey is 5 and Bryan and Logan adore him. comes the thing that happened... while giving Maya Cookie Monster crackers -(sold at Babies R Us)...she began to gasp for air. A slight winded cry was coming from part of her airway and she was CHOKING. I gave it a second with a few slaps on her back and her face was turning blue around her lips and her cry was less and I was scared out of my freaking mind but I kept my head on and remembered my CPR basics. She is over 12 months, so no more turning her upsidedown per textbook anyhow. I was already holding her. I gave her the Heimlich. Nothing came up and she was tearing...again I gave her the Heimlich, this time much more forceful as I was starting to fall apart...and THANK GOD IT CAME UP. As it came up, my smart girl stuck her hand in her mouth and took out the cookie(1/2 to 3/4 of it) and just cried. And I hugged her tight and a million thoughts rushed through my already somewhat crazy mind. No words can describe how much I love her. The whole thing might have been a blur but Cheryl was right in front of Maya as it happened and she helped me remember that moment. It was less than 2 minutes of my/her life, but I will never forget it. I never had to do it on Bryan and I have never done it on a patient or anyone. 15 minutes later she was running around and happy as a clam.
So there is the one positive...I am an experienced nurse on the home front now too.
Sorry to go on and on...but THANK GOD!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!
Here is a lucky update of pictures on our children.
Speaking of children, if you have time, please check our Mikayla's Blog. Her Mommy feels a lot like I do. She too has one biological and one adopted child...just like us! And...her boy loves Thomas and her girl loves to look pretty in various girlie outfits for the camera. I wish we lived near each other, Mindy!!
Anyhow, Mindy talks about labels and it was interesting to read and have many of her same thoughts in my head.
As far as us, this week we went to Matthew's 2nd Birthday Party. He is my friend's (SUE) son. Sue has three children under the age of 4 and is my Mommy role model. She has been a big cheerleader for me having kids. I remember when we were doing infertility in 2002...she lived in Arizona at the time. George and I had just visited her and Tim in Arizona(and loved it there). We had this really tasty dip with chips. Well, during my stresses of infertility...she sent me a dip packet with a coupon for Tostidos. Just a shout out friends and family know that the little things matter the most!