Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Easter Everyone!!!

Here is our first family portrait. We had it done at Kiddie Kandids. We have had much better luck there than The Picture People. I have not even tried The Picture People since we started at Kiddie Kandids.

Unfortunately, this is the largest I could get this picture:(
Unless you buy the Cd, they only let you see them this size on the internet, I guess a copyright of some sort. All you see is PIXELS if you zoom it.

So if you are straining your eyes, trust me, it looks pretty good. It is Bryan's cutest smile ever!

Happy Easter Everyone!


JuJu - said...

What a GORGEOUS family!!!!

Have The Best Easter EVER!!


HollyGee said...

It looks great Kerry. I think that is the first time I've seen George without glasses.

Mindy said...

I LOVE IT!!!!! We have not even ATTEMPTED this feat yet...although we need too soon. I am so glad you got a great picture and I hope you had a wonderful Easter!!

Candy said...

Love the family Pic...