Monday, September 17, 2007

New Pictures

Here are some new pictures!
Maya and Corey last week at the playground

Friday night we went to a party at Bryan and Maya's school


We wrapped the preschoolers like Mummies

Bryan was very cute with Maya in front of all their friends. It gives us hope---maybe he will watch the boys chasing her in high school!

Christian and Bryan are great friends..

2 class clowns

Bryan and Maya were watching a movie in our room the other night.

THIS is what is so funny

Cailin at the park today

Maya Grace is a climber

Bryan and Logan

I will take two fake smiles a a large Coke please

That's Better

Gee..camouflage really does work

Silly Bryan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute! It is best when the older brother can look over the little sis. You just wait...the protectiveness will become more intense as Maya grows older. Good for you!! Love ya,
Cuz Jenn